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Recent Transformations


I have been a runner for quite a while and occasionally took a weighted group class. But, it was not until I started training with Robert that I learned ACCOUNTABILITY! The consistent encouragement from the trainer has helped me to stay on track. I have also used the nutritional information to develop better eating habits that fits my lifestyle and are maintainable. I have more energy than before and look forward to staying healthy!

My training program for over 20 years had been primarily focused on weightlifting. Once I hit the age of 40, it became increasingly more difficult for me to control my weight and it began to slowly creep up. At the age of 42 I had reached a point where I simply did not like the way I looked and was determined to do something about it and looked to Robert for his help. The program that Robert designed for me provided the necessary insights and accountability for an improved diet and more effective training program. In fact, the first 12 week program was so successful that a year later I elected to do another program with him to further advance my lean body mass. In total, I have lost some 30 lbs and dropped 5+ inches off my waist. Moreover, the program has provided me with a lifestyle change that has allowed me to keep the weight off and still live an enjoyable life. A great program and personal trainer!

After years of being over weight and living an unhealthy lifestyle, Doug’s doctor recommended exercise and diet changes. Doug sought out Robert’s assistance to get his weight and health under control. He had a long term goals of permanent weight loss and lifestyle change. Robert helped Doug set small goals and then re-evaluate after the goals were met; this made achieving the goals easier and led to a weight loss of 72 lbs! With Robert’s constant motivation, encouragement, and proper instruction, Doug learned the proper approach to weight training, diet, and cardio. These key skills will help Doug continue his success for years to come

I was very active until my mid-twenties. When my first child was born in 1984 I spent all available time with him. Soon my personal fitness became secondary to all else. Knowing my nutrition diary would be reviewed regularly kept me on track. It also gave me quick feedback when I either strayed or did well. Regular, periodic goal setting helped a lot. The regular measurement gave me the opportunity to be proud of success and set new goals for the next month. Training with Robert has given me a greater feeling of control over my lifestyle. I know how to make good decisions to better enjoy my lifestyle. Training is not about the pounds, inches and fat you leave behind in the gym. It is about the pride, energy and confidence you take with you out of the gym.

I was a typical couch potato until I looked in the mirror when I turned thirty. I realized I needed to get back in shape so I started weight training. Several years went by and I began to get the desire to compete in a Body Building Competition. However, as a husband and father of three boys, there were a lot of variables to consider and I realized I needed some help. Balancing nutrition, posing and preparation would require the assistance of a coach who had the experience and knowledge to help me accomplish my goals. I began to work with Robert and he designed a program just for me, my schedule and lifestyle. In just four months of working with Robert I had perfected my posing, dropped forty six pounds and developed a six pack! I stepped on the stage in the best condition of my life and with new understanding of training, nutrition and the intricacies of competition. I will be competing again and when I do I will be using Robert to help me look my best!
Hilton & Kathy McDonald:

Hilton and Kathy have exercised off and on throughout their lives, but never developed a self-motivated and self-disciplined workout regimen. After joining Total Body to train with Robert, the support and encouragement they’ve received have propelled them to meet their fitness goals. "I like the consistency of the total body plan. especially when you see results. If you stick with it, the plan will work!” ~ Kathy " I have been amazed at how my body has changed in 12 short weeks! It works!” -Hilton

Although I ate healthy and worked out through my entire pregnancy, I was not at my pre-baby weight when I left the hospital. I did not want to be someone that always blamed my weight gain on factors beyond my control; I know you gain weight because you eat more than you burn off. I found myself back to me pre-pregnancy weight when my son was 7 months old. Through all my hard work I seemed to have a different shape than before my pregnancy. So, I decided to have Robert help me get ready for a figure show before my son turned one. Sixteen weeks later I stepped on stage at the NPC Omaha Showdown in a transformed physique. I used Robert’s support and knowledge to come to the show in the shape that I did. My advice to anyone wanting to change their physique is to just keep going and anyone who says it is easy is not trying hard enough.

I am a full time student, wife, and mother. I signed up to train with Robert on the recommendation of my aunt so I could get into shape for my wedding. Before I began training with Robert my life was very busy and I ate whatever I could whenever I could. Constantly being on the go I consumed a lot of fast food meals and tricked myself into believing it was all I had time for and my only solution. I began training with Robert in January 2010. He gave me a step by step diet of what foods I should be eating and when. He had preparation solutions that allowed me to stay on track even with my busy lifestyle. For the first time in my life I was sticking to a diet and exercise plan and I was seeing results! I had my ups and downs along the way. Robert was there to share in my victories and milestones with me, and also there as an accountability partner encouraging me to get back on track when I had a rough week. I lost a total of 40 lbs and 13% body fat. I haven't looked or felt this great in a long time! I still have some fitness goals I want to achieve, but for the first time ever I have the knowledge and I know I can do it!

As a typical teenager I did not know that much about working out or nutrition. I lived off pizza and junk food. When I did a physical for Boy Scout Camp I learned I had to lose weight to attend camp. Robert did my workouts and gave me a meal plan I could follow. I was surprised at how the weight came off and I met my goal. I learned a lot from my personal training and was able to attend Boy Scout Camp.

In high school I was small framed but not really athletic or thin. After getting married and having two kids I was left with a body that I was not happy with. After I decided to make a change, I realized I would need help. I joined Gold’s Gym and started Personal Training with Robert. In the beginning of my program we mapped out how I could achieve my goals with a program that worked for me. After six months of training I was receiving complements everywhere I went and was finally excited to look at myself! I dropped 63 lbs and my pants size went from a tight 16 to a comfortable size 2. Personal Training has given me not only a better physique, but I am now educated on proper nutrition and workouts. The motivation and guidance I received from Robert really helped me stay on track and reach my goals.

I was a cheerleader in high school and always active. After high school, fast food and going out to eat became a bad habit. After getting married and before having kids, going out to eat became our source of entertainment. Fifteen years and two kids later, I had slowly added about 20 extra pounds. When both my kids started school, I decided to add exercise and better eating habits to my daily routine. After a while, I had lost 10 pounds. Last fall was my 20 year high school reunion, and I really wanted to take my exercise program to another level by adding more definition. I started working out with Robert and he designed a better nutritional eating and workout program for me. I lost another 10 pounds and loved going to my reunion being in the best shape of my life.

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