If you need a quick and effective workout, try this Playground Workout.  Run or drive to a local park and get your workout done.  Be creative and use the equipment you see to add to this workout and come up with your own fitness routine.  Remember to move fast enough to keep your heart rate elevated, but take it at your own level; you know yourself best.  See you at the playground!


30 Quick curb-steps in place

30 Slide incline pushups

20 Bench box jumps

20 Railing ab leg lifts

30 Bench decline pushups

30 Broad jumps

30 Bench dips

30 Line hops (2 feet)

*Repeat 4-6 times, walk for 30 seconds between each set.


Molly Wichman

IFBB Fitness Pro

Life Transformations Fitness Owner/Personal Trainer

Lee's Summit Playground Workout


This information is intended for general informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice or imply that any personal action should be taken. You should first discuss any physical, lifestyle and dietary changes with your health or medical professional.