Life Transformations Wellness Coaching in Lee’s Summit has an alternative to resolutions, New Year Affirmations.  New Years is a time of year many people make resolutions, let’s look at a way to turn resolutions into positive affirmations.

Have you made New Year Resolutions in the past?  Do you do this every year?  Do you stick to your resolutions?  Do you feel frustrated if you fail to your resolutions?  There are no right or wrong answers, just some things to think about. 

People have been making New Year Resolutions for many, many years. According to, The ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, some 4,000 years ago. They were also the first to hold recorded celebrations in honor of the new year.

Now, let us look at the idea of New Year Affirmations.  An affirmation is a positive thinking statement.  Usually directed at one’s self.  You do not need to say, “In 2021, I will make a new affirmation each day.”  This is a big commitment.  Instead, you may say, “I will follow my top affirmations for 2021,” or “I will practice self-love for 2021.”  Below are some examples of easy and attainable New Year Affirmations.



I will be bigger than my doubts

I will feel self-worth

I will live in the positive

I will love myself each day

I will live my life as I want to live it

I will not entertain negativity

I will be strong and healthy

I am in control of my happiness

I will appreciate the little things in life

I will follow my personal boundaries

I will not apologize for being me

I will resist negative self-talk

I will have a healthy mind, body, and soul

I will easily accept compliments

I will embrace my unique self

My body will be my best friend

I am beautiful inside and out

I will let go of the past and live in the present


I will determine my dreams

I will magnify my potential

I will radiate confidence

I will honor my life path

I have the power to change my world

I will follow my experience

I will take my career/business to new heights

I will grow each day


I will make my life one to be desired

I will learn from mistakes

As I improve, I will help others improve

I will let love in

I will focus on my family as a unit

I will let go of those that do not have my best interests at heart

I will help support those in need

I will attract positive and loving people

I will be a good friend


These affirmations are just examples and can be taken in a different context for different people.  Everyone is at a different emotional state.  Try to find one, or many affirmations that work for you and your life.  Also, these may change throughout the year.  Your affirmation may become second nature, like a new habit.  Then, you may move on to a different affirmation.  Feel free to come up with some affirmations on your own.  The above list is filled with many examples, now you can branch out and customize to YOU.

Using a New Year Affirmation can be done in your head or in a journal.  Journaling can be a time of self-reflection.  Write your affirmation and journal how you plan to achieve this, or how you did achieve it each day, or struggles you overcame to achieve it.  Or, you may memorize your affirmation and keep it in your thoughts each day.  Keep it relevant.  The most important part of this is to do what works for you & do what fits your life.


I truly hope 2021 will be a positive year for you and yours.  Here’s to positive New Year Affirmations!

Molly Wichman

Life Transformations

Wellness Coach


*If you have questions or want to reach out for tips, send a message to or check out our other Wellness related blog posts.