Life Transformations Personal Training in Lee’s Summit, MO shares health and fitness tips.  Check out the latest tips on Spring Cleaning for your Health.  Spring is a perfect time to refresh, renew, recharge your health and wellness.  Your body works in many ways to improve health; let’s see how we can give it a jumpstart by improving how we treat it.  Don’t  get overwhelmed by all of the information below, take out of the blog what works for you.  Start small and build upon your change.


According to, When you sleep, your body undergoes a series of changes that enable the rest that is vital to your overall health. Sleep allows the brain and body to slow down and engage in processes of recovery, promoting better physical and mental performance the next day and over the long-term.

What happens when you don’t sleep is that these fundamental processes are short-circuited, affecting thinking, concentration, energy levels, and mood. As a result, getting the sleep you need — seven to nine hours for adults and even more for children and teens — is crucial.

Sleep effects almost every type of tissue and system in your body. While you sleep, your body repairs tissues and stores energy, and the brain clears “waste” and supports learning and memories. Our hormones are also regulated during sleep. Stress hormones are reduced; not enough sleep can be a factor in high blood pressure and stress.

Sleep also plays a role in heart health, increased immune system, insulin regulation, emotional well-being, decreasing anxiety.  So, make sure to get adequate sleep to keep your body healthy. 


Have you been cooped up inside, not moving, out of an exercise routine?  Spring is the time to break out.  Think of it as movement time, not just workout time.  Workouts are excellent and have many benefits to your body.  Increased bone density, weight loss, emotional health, heart health, and many more.  Think of Spring as a time to add more movement into your day.  Below are some examples:

Spring cleaning in the house, mowing the lawn, walking the dog, taking a lap around the block, organizing your garage or basement are all Spring activities that create movement.  So, in addition to a workout or exercise, get in some movement around the house or neighborhood.

If you are a fan of outside exercise in the nice weather, now is a great time to get started.  Find a local trail for a walk, run, or ride, visit a park for a scenic walk, play a sport, or take your exercise equipment outside for a resistance workout.  Try for at least 30 minutes of movement or exercise per day, either in a gym, in your home, or in the great outdoors.



Spring is a great time to look at what you are taking in.  What are you putting in your body?  Maybe make a food journal for a couple of days.  Look at food and drinks.  Winter may leave your eating more comfort foods and possibly consuming different drinks.

Think of small changes you can make. 

Reduce sugar– Do you have a sweet tooth?  Spring can be the time to move on.  Replace high calorie cookies and cakes with fresh fruit or healthier options.  The more sugar you consume, the more your body craves it.  Take a break from sugar and you should feel the difference.

Reduce processed foods- It is so easy to eat processed foods. They are everywhere and super convenient.  But they are not the best for your body.  Making some simple changes to feel better.  Example, instead of a boxed skillet dinner, try making your own out of pasta and seasonings.  Instead of processed snacks, try a trail mix (nuts, raisins, etc).  These are just a few options, but there are many options out there.

Pay attention to portion sizes- You can be eating all the best foods, but maybe too much.  Use your fist as a guide.  About a fist of protein, fist of carbohydrates, etc.

Stay hydrated- Hydration can increase energy, flush out fat, improve skin appearance, remove toxins from your body, aid in digestion, and more.  Try to drink more water, limit carbonation, caffeine, alcohol, and sugary drinks.


Calm your mind and reduce anxiety.   Take time to sit and listen, take deep breathes, you are calming your mind and your body.  A quick relaxation can increase mental well-being.  Below are a few steps to try:

Guided imagery is taking a short vacation in your mind. You can involve imaging being in your happy place. This is different for everyone.  It may be the beach, on a mountain, in your room, etc.  What do you hear, see, smell, feel?

Muscle Relaxation involves relaxing all your muscles. Think of your body in sections (upper, lower, limbs), then relax each section. Take a few deep breaths, tighten, and relax each muscle.  You should be able to feel your muscle tension relaxing away.  

Meditation brings stress relief and stress management benefits. This involves focusing on your breathing. Changing the way you breathe can make a big difference to your overall stress level. Taking deep breathes, focusing on YOU, and clearing your mind can help calm your body.

 Try this. Breathe in through your nose, fill yourself with air, count to 3 as you inhale, hold your breathe for a second, then slowly let your breathe out through your nose as you count to 3. 

Now, if you want to fully relax and reduce stress, try the above three relaxation techniques together.

Do your meditation breathing, while visualizing your guided imagery, and relaxing your muscles.  There is a lot to focus on and it can take time to master but think of how relaxed you will be.


Making a change begins with you.  Spring may be the opportunity you have been looking for.  The first step to making a change is realizing you need to make a change, planning for change, then implementing the change.  Your Spring Cleaning for Health may look different than a friend, but it is important to do what works for you.  So, let go of the negatives in your life, and refresh and recharge into Spring.

Happy Spring Health!

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