Do you ever like to get away while on vacation?  On a recent family trip through South Dakota, I did just that.  I like to hike and take in the scenery, but there are not many hikes in Missouri that go “up” very far.  So, I like to sneak in some bigger hikes while on vacation.  Our family vacation took us to Badlands National Park, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Black Hills National Forest, and Custer State Park.  All were awesome sites.

When planning our trip I kept seeing reviews for Black Elk Peak. Formerly Harney Peak, it is the highest summit in the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains.  It’s elevation is 7244 feet and has an old fire lookout tower at the top.

So, I decided to sneak in this hike.  Pre-Planning helps make longer hikes a success.  Trail reports said to expect a 4 hour roundtrip hike. Since I was venturing out alone, safety was important.  A small first aid kit and emergency whistle are always in my pack.  Nutrition is another important factor to keep the hike enjoyable.  I planned on eating a sustainable breakfast before venturing out.  My typical eggs, oatmeal, coffee, and water (mix in some Titan PurGreens).  Then I gathered some necessities for my pack.

Water– Filled my hydration pack with water to last a couple of hours

Food- My favorite hiking snack is homemade Energy Balls (click for recipe).  I’ve tried trail mix, but it is harder to eat and walk with smaller items.  I also threw in a banana, PBJ sandwich, Meat-Snx (high protein snacks).

Supplements– Since I didn’t want to take many rest breaks, I wanted to stay hydrated.  In addition to my hydration pack, I added some BCAA+  and Activ8 in a separate water bottle.  This would give me some electrolytes and a little energy if needed.  No one wants to be dehydrated and tired in the middle of the woods.

Attire- I made sure to dress in layers.  I started with a dri-fit long sleeve shirt, then a fleece jacket, knit hat, dri-fit leggings, running socks, trail running shoes, and a rain coat in my pack.

Well, guess what…all of this pre-planning made for a magnificent hike.  It only took 2.5 hours.  Less than expected, but the views did not disappoint.  I passed Sylvan Lake, Little Devils Tower, and Cathedral Spires on the way up, hiked to the highest point in the Black Elk Peak tower and could see 360 degree views of 4 states.  The hike down was on a different trail (#4 up and #9 down).  One interesting fact is I never saw the tower till I came to it.  This factor makes it interesting.  But the way back looped around so you could see the tower in the distance.

If you are looking for an adventure, try a hike.  Plan it out…be safe…be smart…stop and take in the scenery.

Happy Summer!!