The Lee’s Summit temps have been HOT and HOTTER. Hydration is important while exercising on the Lee’s Summit trails, paths, or streets.  It is important to drink water not just during or after exercise, but throughout the day.  Waiting till you feel dehydrated, is waiting too long.  Below are some tips to help with hydration.  


Hydration is crucial for many reasons. It helps to regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, prevent infections, and keep organs functioning properly. Being hydrated also improves sleep, cognition, and mood.


Sweating is your bodies way to cool itself.  It is a good thing but can lead to dehydration if fluids aren’t replaced.  If you are in extreme conditions, by the time your feel thirst, dehydration has already set in.

Dehydration Risks

  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Risk of heat illness
  • Stress on the heart
  • Excessive sweating
  • Increased urination


You should consume 50-75% of your body weight in ounces per day. 

Example: A 150lbs. person should consume 75-112 oz of water per day. 75oz during sedentary times, 112oz during active times). This would be about ½-3/4 of a gallon of water.

Tips for hydration

To stay hydrated, don’t just think: I have to gulp water all day long.  The best way to stay hydrated is to drink water, but it does not have to be boring.  Here are some tips for hydration.

  • Start early in the day. It is easier to drink water in the AM.  Start your day with a bulk of your daily recommended intake.  Then you will feel hydrated during the day.  Also, prevent trips to the restroom in the middle of the night.
  • Drink when eating. Try to drink water each time you eat.  This will not only help with water intake, but aid in digestion.
  • Add to your water. If you are not the type of person that likes to drink water, you can add to it to make it more enjoyable.  Adding citrus fruit (lemon, lime, orange slices) will add a subtle taste to the water.  If needed, water enhancers can add flavor.  Make sure to watch quantities, many have artificial sweeteners (many opinions on these, but use in moderation)
  • Caffeine is a mild diuretic or de-hydrant (make kidneys release more urine, so effects hydration status). Be aware of coffee, tea, soda intake.  Limiting caffeine will help you stay hydrated during the day.
  • Keep water with you during the day. Have a water bottle or cup of water with you at work, in the car, or while at home.  Having it close by will encourage drinking more.
  • Choose your water temperature. Some people like ice cold water, others like room temperature.  Typically, you can drink room temperature water quicker, especially in the cold months.

Tips of exercising outdoors in the heat

  • Go early before the heat sets in
  • Take water with you
  • Find a shady path or trail. LOCAL TRAILS LINK
  • Use electrolytes or similar product to aid in hydration


Here are a few take-away questions:

How much water do I drink during the day?

How can I stay hydrated during the day? 


Happy Hydration!

Molly Wichman

Life Transformations Personal Training

Lee’s Summit, MO



Photo by David Becker on Unsplash