Life Transformations Personal Training in Lee’s Summit, shares a Trainer Tip on how to use the Single Leg Hamstring Curl.

Have you noticed the new machine in the gym? It looks a little different, but it is easy to use. Here are some variations on how to use the Single Leg Hamstring Curl.

Kneeling– Place right knee on the knee pad and left leg straight in front of the leg pad. You can lean on the arm pad and hold onto the handles. Slowly curl left leg towards glutes, then return to start. Make sure hips stay even. Perform desired sets and repeat on opposite side. For added resistance add weight plates to front weight pegs. This exercise targets hamstrings and glutes.

life transformations personal training lees summit molly wichman personal training lees summit molly wichman

Standing- Stand in front of the leg pad with both legs straight. You can lean on the arm pad and hold onto the handles. Slowly curl left leg towards glutes, then return to start. Make sure hips stay even. Perform desired sets and repeat on opposite side. For added resistance add weight plates to front weight pegs. This exercise targets hamstrings and glutes

personal training lees summit molly wichmanpersonal training lees summit molly wichman

Strengthening your hamstrings and glutes is a great way to evenly develop leg muscles, aid in good posture and help with walking and running. Still need help with the Single Leg Hamstring Curl…then ask a Life Transformations Personal Trainer. We are here to help!