Downtown Lee’s Summit is hosting Chocolate Crawl for a Cause.   This is always one of our favorite events.  Participating Downtown Lee’s Summit merchants will hand out chocolates to shoppers and individuals who stop by on February 1st.

We decided to add a fun event during the Chocolate Crawl, a Valentines making station.  Kids (and adults) can stop in to make a Valentine for their loved ones.  And, pick up some chocolate.

Be sure to stop in to say hi.  We are on Douglas Street, across from the Fire Station.

Life Transformations Personal Training Location


Additional Information

Give back and enjoy exclusive promotions at participating Downtown businesses on Saturday, February 1st!

START at Local Foundery and drop off a non-perishable or monetary donation for Lee’s Summit Social Services, between 12:00pm and 2:00pm.

PICK UP a Chocolate Crawl necklace and a free full-size chocolate bar (while supplies last) when you donate.

WEAR your necklace while you shop and enjoy sweets, along with some sweet discounts…just follow the balloons! Promotions offered during business hours on February 1st.


*A map of participating Downtown Merchants will be posted the week of the event.


*Be sure to check out other events in Downtown Lee’s Summit.