Competing is a demanding sport; on your family and relationships.  I find the best way to find work/life balance is through pre-planning and time management.  My household is a healthy household since my husband competes as a National Level NPC Bodybuilder and we own/operate a fitness center.  I like to “stay ahead of the game.”

Batch Cooking: I shop and prepare all of our foods for the week on Saturday or Sunday.  This may take a couple of hours, but it is worth it not to have to do food prep each morning and night.  Now since there are two competitors in our house it can be quite a bit of food.  I cook all the protein, carbs and veggies, then portion it out into plastic ware.  Along with prep for us, I also prep for my toddler son.  Small portions of healthy snacks are his “convenience food” for our little guy.  Yogurt, cottage cheese, veggies, fruit, wheat cereal/crackers are all put in small plastic ware or Ziplocs.


Pre Planning:  Simple things like getting out clothes, needed items the day before you need them can save time during the morning rush.  Working Moms can always use a few extra minutes in the morning…give yourself some!  Put out work clothes, workout clothes, kids clothes, etc. before bed.

Schedule Workouts: As a small business owner and busy Mom…I find scheduling my own workouts helps me get them in.  Each week I look at my schedule and put in my own workouts so they don’t get overlooked and I don’t overbook.  Syncing my laptop to phone and printing my schedule are key to getting everything in!  No excuses!

These couple of planning ahead tips are helpful for me and I hope you find them helpful as well!