Joel Frazee, Life Transformations Personal Trainer, shares tips on finding your place in fitness.

Finding your place

As I have grown and evolved  in the world of health and fitness I have realized so much, Fitness Trainer Joel Frazeeand its that there are so many different types of styles and training methods that it can be very hard to figure out exactly what you are wanting from this diverse world of fitness.
      The first world I jumped into was the the runners world of 5Ks and mud runs!  It was a blast, pushing my self to levels of endurance I could never thought possible and as for lots of people my passion for it slowly fizzled out. Another major subject I have found to be very common especially with the younger crowd is the competitive world of physique competitions. I too had chose to take things to the next level by pushing my body to its limits which I never knew possible. The end result was not exactly being the best on stage that night, but looking the best I had ever looked! I then realized that maybe competing in physique shows really wasn’t my style.
   For me as I have matured and found out what I enjoy the most and what really keeps me excited, I am able to settle in to my real goals and achieve what what I really want. I chose the world of weight training and athletic performance. I play in competitive softball leagues and have chose to use the weights and nutrition to make me a superior performer in my leagues. I also have taken my  knowledge from my own experiences to help others achieve their goals with daily living and physique competitions thru nutrition and fitness routines This is where I have found my place in such a big world
    So whether it be Bodybuilding, running, athletics or simply just lifting weights  Use your mind and knowledge to become the best you that is possible. Many people are just looking for a leaner healthy body and  get to confused and wrapped up in extreme and precise diets. To these people I say stop counting calories and start at the beginning. Make healthy choices and if you have to ask yourself more then once about your food choice the answer should always be no. Allow yourself to live and be human. Find out the time line of your goal. Do you want fast results or do you just wanna see slow changes over time?? Find your place and find the new you, THE BETTER YOU!


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