Life Transformations Wellness Coaching in Lee’s Summit has an alternative to Valentine’s Day, Self-Love February. 

We all know February 14th is Valentine’s Day.  Everyone takes the day in a different stride.  It can be a Hallmark holiday, time to go to a romantic dinner, give a dozen roses or chocolates, spend time with a spouse or significant other, or just ignore it all together.  If you have someone to spend Valentine’s Day with, do it.  If you choose to ignore it, do it.  These are all great ideas.  What is most important is do what makes you happy.  However, there is another way to think of Valentine’s Day…a day of self-love.  This means do something for yourself.

Self-love is paying attention to your own well-being and happiness.  Basically, taking care of your own needs.  It is important to practice self-love on a regular basis.  It can be as little as 5 minutes to yourself to relax and recharge, to a mini vacay by yourself.  The most important thing is to do what YOU want and makes YOU happy.

Below are some self-love ideas:

Do something you enjoy.

Go to bed early.

Read a book.

 Practice guided imagery.

Take day trip.

Go out to lunch.

Take your favorite workout class.

Take a nature walk or ride.

Drive to a happy place.

Chat with an old friend.

Watch a movie.

Take 5 deep breathes.

Enjoy a drink (Truly, Wine, Beer etc).


Self-love paves the way for improved mental health, reduce stress, reduce procrastination, makes you focus more, self-acceptance, increase confidence, and more.  You may not always be the happiest, but you can nurture who you are. 

Sometimes self-love can be difficult.  You may see it as being spoiled, guilty, stir up insecurities, or just do not have time.  But remember YOU are important.  From here you need to figure out what works for you.  Maybe make a list or think of what makes you happy.  Then dive in and go for it.  If you want a challenge, try Self- Love February.  Practice some form of self-love each day.  I bet you will finish the month a happier person. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. 


In good health & happiness

Molly Wichman

Life Transformations Personal Training/Wellness Coaching


*If you have questions or want to reach out for tips, send a message to or check out our other Wellness related blog posts.


Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash